would have doneは“推測の結果”(1)


  • I believe he would have indeed been paralyzed. But the projectile lodged in the fourth thoracic vertebra, cutting the cord there. This would have certainly caused paralysis, but it would begin at that point. The arms could still function. It would be a matter of time. As I said, his body would have ceased function inside a minute.

―Michael Connelly, 9Dragons, p.81

ここで「would have done=反実仮想=実際は違った」と暗記していると、文中の3箇所の“would have done”は意味が通じません。

辞書的には“would have done”は“過去への推量”という用法もあると書いてあるわけですが、有名な“反実仮想”に比べると実にマイナーな扱いです。

そんななんとなくとっつきづらい“would have done”について書きます。

1.will have done

Will have done‐English grammar lessons

We can use 'will have done' to talk about what will have been achieved by a certain moment in time.


Either way, your spectator experience will have been a fun one,‐WordReference.com

  • Sure, your team might lose, but then again, your team might win. Either way, your spectator experience will have been a fun one, and you will have avoided being merely a passive observer.

Can you tell me why this tense is used and the difference in meaning, when it is used as "will be a fun one, and you will avoid being merely a passive observer"?

別にwill have doneじゃなくてただのwill doでいいんじゃないの?という質問。

In this particular example the "specific time in the future" is the time after the game when the result is known and you will already have experienced the game.

ここでは“試合後”という未来の一時点が暗示されているのでwill have doneを使っているんだという答え。

Will have done‐English grammar lessons

We can also use 'will have done' to predict what we think has already happened at present.

すでに起こった過去の出来事に対する推測にもwill have doneが使えます。

get to know somebody??‐WordReference.com

Secondly, this is not a chat forum. You will have seen the rules as you registered. You are asked to post here using standard English forms, which includes using capital letters where appropriate.


2.would have done
would have doneには大きく分けて以下の3つのパターンがあります。

  • 未来完了が時制の一致で過去形になったもの
  • いわゆる“仮定法過去完了”の帰結節(反実仮想)
  • 事実を元にした過去の出来事に対する推測



Would have done‐ englishforums.com

  • When I am thirty, I will have been married 3 times
  • He said that when he was thirty he would have been married 3 times.


Past Unreal Conditional‐Englishpage.com

The Past Unreal Conditional is used to talk about imaginary situations in the past. You can describe what you would have done differently or how something could have happened differently if circumstances had been different.


  • If I had owned a car, I would have driven to work. But I didn't own one, so I took the bus.

“imaginary situations”となっているところが重要。

would have been‐WordReference.com

  • He's outclassed and outmatched by every member of the strong supporting cast, any of whom would have been more believable as Stauffenberg: Kenneth Branagh, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp and Bill Nighy as fellow German officers, even Eddie Izzard, who's a unique and unexpected choice

There is a conditional statement, but the "if" is implied, as is quite often the case. "If any other member of the cast had played Stauffenberg they would have been more believable as the character".


would have been‐WordReference.com

  • To be fair, officials are calling for more regulation. Indeed, on Thursday Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, laid out plans for enhanced regulation that would have been considered radical not long ago.


would have doneで過去の出来事について実際こんなことが起こっただろうという推測を表現できます。

<“推測の”would have doneの流れ>

would have been‐WordReference.com

  • ... Many of the town's buildings were shrines, or places of worship. Some people--both men and women--would have been in charge of leading religious ceremonies.

I don't understand the meaning of 'would have been'.
Shouldn't it be 'might have been'? since it seems to me it talks about a probability, something might have happened in the past.

I know 'would have been' can be the third conditional.
And I learned this structure implies 'the thing' did not actually happen, just exists in our immagination or something. isn't it?

People being in charge of ceremonies, --- it could have happened, it might have happened, but, why, it would have happened?

この質問者も混乱している一人で、「would have beenは反実仮想だって習ったけどこの例文は実際に起こりえたという文脈だよね?」と言っています。

It is speculating about what "would have happened", what would have been the normal situation. There is nothing conditional involved, but it is conjecture, just as the second part of a conditional statement is conjecture.

この質問に対しての回答は、would have doneはここでは仮定じゃなくて推測だよ、というものです。

would have done the same‐WordReference.com

  • The Templars always carried folded spare bunners in case the first were lost, and the German Military Orders would have done the same.

Instead of saying “the Germans did the same...” the author has used the modal would to indicate a degree of possibility/probability.
The author might have chosen “the Germans might have done the same...” or “the Germans must have done the same...” or “the Germans could have done the same...”
But he wanted to say “the Germans probably did the same...” and so he used “would have done.”


Stormed the building: why would have done sth in a newspaper´s report‐‐WordReference.com

  • It's believed members of the SAS's Squadron were involved in the operation. ANALYSTS said they would have staked out the house, using heat sensors to work out where the hostages were held. They would have then stormed the building and pulled the captives to safety.

The analysts were probably quoted because there were no witnesses to the operation who were willing to discuss it.
So: if this operation unfolded in the usual way, the squadron would have done....
We don't know for certain.


would have been seen/ would be seen‐WordReference.com

If the telephone rings, and a man says "That will be my mother", that's a suspicion or a surmise, not a prediction. To be less stark, and more clear that it is not a prediction, he could say "That would be my mother", with a slightly more tentative meaning.
I dare say a sentence like "that would be his mother calling" also suggests a conditional with an implied "were we free to presume, based on what we know is usual, we could say we know that".

To surmise about the past, we can say "That would have been his mother calling", meaning that we expect that it was his mother.


use of would+have+past participle form of verb.‐WordReference.com

  • “first a dead body expert would have expelled viscera of the dead body then.......”

Aforesaid sentence is about mummification depicted in National Geographic magazine written by a South American mummy specialist.


  • It means we're perhaps not completely sure what happened, but here's what very probably happened.
  • Certainly, "would have" is used in situations such as the following: A detective, who is trying to solve a crime, retraces the footsteps of a murdered woman, and says: “Now, she would have opened this door, and then she would have come inside and looked around. She would have been surprised to see that there was no one home...” This “would have” is indeed to do with conjecture and less than 100% certainty.


Would have‐WordReference.com

  • The second largest volcanic eruption in human history was much larger than previously thought, scientists say. The massive Bronze Age eruption of Thera near Greece would have devastated ancient civilisations in the region. Ash would likely have plunged much of the Mediterranean into darkness, and tsunami would have wrecked local ports.


You can use "would have" like this for things that definitely happened, so it is not a matter of "probability".

  • “William the conqueror would have slept with at least 20 courtiers in the same room.” the unstated cause (because everyone did in those days).

And for your example

  • The eruption would have devastated ancient civilisations in the region (because such an eruption could have no other consequence).


最後にwould have doneが文脈によってどうとでも解釈できてしまうという例を紹介します。
Conditional: If he had watched the football match, he would have known the result now.‐WordReference.com

  • ' If he had watched the football match, he would have known the result by now.'

This is just stating that if he wasn't such a bonehead..and would have watched the football game yesterday..like the rest of the world did...instead of going out looking for a pair of orange pants...he would not have to be running around..bugging everyone today asking..'What was the score, ah come on someone please tell me the score?'


This is a good solution because everyone's happy. You have the pluperfect followed by the conditional perfect, and then because "by now" means that it must have happened at some time in the past before now there is no problem combining this grammatical sequence with the sense of the sentence.


このように、would have doneは過去への推測、ただし話者がどう思って推測しているかはひとえに文脈しだいということになります。

受験で覚える“仮定法”=反実仮想と考えるなら、辞書通り“would have done”には“過去への推量”の意味があると覚えることになります。
しかし、仮定法は反実仮想とは限らないよね、という考えからすれば、“would have done”に反実仮想と推量の2つの意味があると覚える必要はなくなります。

3)文中に出てくる“would have done”がどちらの意味になるかは、なによりも文脈によってしか判断できない。


would + 動詞の原形 と would have done のちがい教えて!goo

  • The city’s proposal to annex the subdivision was opposed by the residents, since it would have led to higher taxes.


英文解釈できないくせに直訳できるわけがない【追記・訂正あり】‐Sacred Journey

Four hanged on Christmas Day

TOKYO Four prisoners, including two men in their seventies, were hanged on Christmas Day as the Japanese Government ended a 15-month moratorium on the death penalty.
The hangings were the first since September 2005, when a convicted murderer was executed. The death penalty is supported widely in Japan and analysts said that the Government wanted to carry out executions in 2006, which would have been the first year without hangings since 1992.


Kennedy Assassination Photo Gallery‐The Kennedy Assassination

Henry Wade, Dallas District Attorney who would have prosecuted Oswald


Henry WadeWikipedia

Wade lost the opportunity to try Lee Harvey Oswald for Kennedy's murder when Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby shot the suspect just two days later, but became nationally recognized for prosecuting Ruby himself for Oswald's murder.



  • More and more husbands are willingly sharing the homework that their fathers would have rejected as unmanly.



  • We are all aware that technology has created a world that even our parents would not have believed possible and that many of them would have contemplated with alarm.

would have done”の否定文についてはまた後でまとめますが、この例文も「でも実際は違った」ということが言いたいわけではないはずです。

would have beenの用法教えて!goo

  • I've gotten pessimistic, and I'm worried about something I would never have been concerned about before.


Past Unreal Conditional + Continuous‐Englishpage.com

  • If you had gone to their house last night, Bob would have been reading the newspaper, Nancy would have been talking on the phone and the kids would have been watching TV. They always do the same things.


Why "that would be me"? (part 2)‐Language Log

  • If he had escaped by jumping out of the window he would have left footprints in the flower-bed beneath. And that is precisely what happened.


ここまで見てきたように、「“仮定法過去完了”=“would have done”=反実仮想」と考えた場合でさえ素直に解釈できないケースがたくさんあります。
それならば、仮定法(subjunctive)という大きな枠の中で考えて、“would have done”は話者の“推測の結果”を表したものだと考えた方がすっきりするということが分かると思います。
少なくとも「“仮定法過去完了”=“would have done”=反実仮想」と捉えているとたくさんの例外を作り出してしまいます。