
前回紹介した過去の出来事に対する推測を示すwould have doneですが、whyとくっついて疑問文になると、これまた強い意味になります。
would have doneが「推測の結果、そうなるに違いない」という意味なので、そこに至る過程に疑問を持つということはすなわち「一体全体なんでそんなことになっちゃったの?」という、まともな推測からいったらそうはならないはずだがそれでもそうなっちゃたならそこに至る過程をぜひ教えてほしいもんだ、信じられない、という驚きを表現します。

1.Why he would have done 〜
2.Why he would do 〜
3.Why would you have done 〜?
4.Why would you do 〜?
5.Would you do 〜?
7.would have thought

1.Why he would have done 〜
why S would have done”で、過去の出来事に対する驚きになります。

  • Why in the world would he do that? or is he just faking?Yahoo! Answers

he told me he turned bi.
does anyone know why he would have done that or do you think its a joke?

今回はタイトルの“Why in the world would he do that?”のところにもそうした「なんでよりにもよってそんなありえないことが!?」という驚きが表現されています。

  • Why he would not have told the detectives about this the day before was the big question.

― Michael Connelly, 9Dragons, p.66


2.Why he would do 〜
同様にwould dowhyで、現在起きている“わけわからん出来事”への驚きを表現できます。

  • My cat is nearly 8 and has always sucked my bedding, anybody out there know why he would do that?Yahoo! Answers

3.Why would you have done 〜?
過去の出来事に対する推測のwould have doneは、基本的には主語がIやYOUになることは少ないです。

I actually did it...pierced ears!‐GardenWeb

Your poor child. I hope your impulse control gets better. Why would you have done that? Wasn't she beautiful enough? Why do you need one more thing to take care of- one more risk to your child's health?


4.Why would you do 〜?


“Why would you do that?” vs “Why did you do that?”‐WordReference.com

Applying this to your context, saying “Why would you do that” means “What motivated you to do that?” or “What possible reason could you have for doing that?”
It expresses shock and disbelief that anyone would behave in such a way.


Why would you‐WordReference.com

"After all this time, why would you want to call me now?", does "would" indicate present uncertainty? If not, what's the meaning of "would" in this context.
How different is it from "After all this time, why do you want to call me now?"

I would say this would is the same as the would in a contrafactual statement, having to do not with the future or with willingness but with reasoning, logic, or thought processes.



I think "Why would you....." is more indirect expression than "why do you....".


I think "would" makes the sentence more polite, and it would be lubrication oil for our communication.
In the context, "would" version is less offensive than "do" version, and I too like "would" version.


I have to disagree that "Why would you?" is polite compared with "Why do you?". In fact "Why do you?" is a straightforward question, but "Why would you?" is often used to question a person's motives, or to belittle someone. It is perhaps not quite as impolite though, as "Why the hell did you?" (pardon my French).


The person asking the question is searching(politely or formally) for reasons for the action that will be taken, or that have already taken place.


  • Impossible・・・Why, for instance, would (he) have brought the book to the police's attention?

―Jeffery Deaver, More Twisted, p.376


5.Would you do 〜?
ここまで見てきたように“why would you do 〜?”の疑問文には「まともな推測が成り立たない感じ」「なんで敢えてそんなことするの?」という気持ちが強く出ています。
そんなわけで、時としてWhyを取っ払った“Would you do 〜?”という形の疑問文が、同じように反語だったり非難的な意味合いで使われることになります。

  • Would You Spend $200,000 on This Seven-Year-Old's Paintings?gawker.com
  • Would You Trade Your Daughter for a Cow?squidoo.com


“Would you do 〜?”まできましたので、今度は疑問文から平叙文に戻したうえで改めてwouldを見てみると、前回から見てきたようなwouldが持っている「まともに推測がつく」感じに戻ります。
Why "would"?‐WordReference.com

Andy got drunk at Anne's party and started insulting everyone.
He would! That's so typical. He's always doing that.

Could you explain please why we use “would” here?

It basically means, “He is the type of person that would do that.”

“John ate my cake.”
“He would.” (He is the type of person that would do that.)

前回の“would have done”と全く同じではありませんが、すでにある手持ちの知識や常識から推測するという流れはかなり近いものがあります。

would be vs is‐WordReference.com

  • A 23 years old boy with a fund of $ 10000 would be allowed to withdraw a sum up to $100.


さらに、“would have done”が過去の出来事に対する推測の結果ならば、“would do”は現在の出来事に対する推測の結果になるはずです。

  • Obama Says He Would Be ‘Honored’ to Visit Hiroshima and NagasakiCNSNews.com
  • I certainly would be honored – it would be meaningful for me to visit those two cities in the future. I don’t have immediate travel plans, but it’s something that would be meaningful to me.


オバマ米大統領、任期中の広島・長崎訪問に意欲AFPBB News


7.would have thought

(1)Who would have thought 〜?
Who would have thought 〜?という形は、これはこれで一つの言い回しといってもいいでしょう。

  • “10 years ago who would have thought 9-11 could have ever happened?”Yahoo! Answers

Who would have thought 〜? (〜なんてだれが考えただろうか;これは驚きだ)‐eigo21

節を伴なわず Who would have thought?  だけとか Who would have thought it? の形も少なくありません。  これらは「こいつは驚いた」とでも訳してもよさそうです。

(2)I would have thought 〜
通常、would have doneという過去の出来事に対する推測は、肯定文では自分自身には使いません。(否定文については次回紹介します)
したがってI would have thought 〜という表現はちょっと変わっています。

I would have thought‐Cheezburger.com

  • I would have thought natural selection would have dealt with you by now…

(I think that natural selection will have dealt with you by now.)(that節内はby nowがあるので“未来完了の過去への推測”)

I should have thought +節 (てっきり〜だと思ったのに)‐eigo21

I would have thought 〜 でも同じです。

I would have thought so...‐Englishforums.com

“I would have thought so” is not really a way of expressing simple agreement.
It usually has a doubtful/sarcastic/critical element to it.
I can imagine it being accompanied by a rolling of the eyes or a sigh afterwards.
It can also express that you think something should have happened when it didn't.
It can also express a bit of a dismissive “don't care” attitude.

自分の確信に近い推測があったからこそ、それが覆されて驚いているわけで、そういう意味ではI would have thoughtというのも普通の表現といえるかもしれません。


  • But the energy savings from sleep in large animals are so small it is hard to see why they would sleep at all by this theory.




  • willよりちょっと確信がない。自信がない。くらいにとらえとけばいいとおもうけどなあ。
  • 辞書の解説から多少外れてしまいますが、”would”で習慣とか、本能、あるいは生理的欲求のようなものを表現しているのではないでしょうか。後半を私なりに訳すと、「この理論から言えば、彼らが何故寝る習慣があるのか、まったくもって説明がつかない」というようなニュアンスかと思います。
  • このwouldは過去の不規則な習慣的動作のwouldではないでしょうか?
  • 自信はないですがこのwouldは(今の私の心情とまさに同じような)「自信の無い推測」を表しているのではないでしょうか?willも推測を表すのですがwouldにするとwillよりも自信のなさを表します。ですから訳としては「先述の理論では彼らがなぜ眠るのかを"おそらく"全く説明できない"だろう"。」という感じではないでしょうか。
  • 仮定法ですが、この場合表すのは「過去」ではありませんし、「推測」であれば説明が違っているので、その説明では正解ではないということです。
